
Woman's age

Woman's age

As civilization rings before the trip, before many unusual things are marked with a "privacy" tab, such as "age", especially the woman's age, is indeed a big taboo, certainly is a sensitive topic. Heard a joke, a introduced to marry a farmer about three or four-year-old woman, the wedding night, the farmer does not believe his wife was only thirty years old, and he said unto her, we have been married, have nothing to hide, what age you are in the end? Woman said, I do not lie to you, I am forty-five the. Farmer or not, he asked the other do not want to ask, and say, I am Fifty-five of the. The farmer was shocked, however, nothing to say. Turn off the lights before going to sleep, he suddenly got up, my wife asked what to go. He said the sub-cap covered with the salt, so salt rats steal. Woman a laugh, I live Sixty-five, never heard of salt rats will steal it!
Ironically, the joke of the woman in his own age did not elaborate on how to like. However accidental, a woman's value is decreased with increasing age, so gentle and amiable woman no matter what, once was asked his age, his face changed immediately. Women wait for their eighth year after year. Some always want to discover the old woman in the eyes of others whether his old state, intentionally sigh, hey, this age is ... ... I want to do something to please the people it surveyed, and then shook his head and tongue in cheek said: "I actually do not see out, you look like, at most, early thirties. "In fact no one knows better than themselves - declining energy, eyes will occur in the fine lines, everywhere are written on Aging.
Exposure of users on the network had more than 150 star identification number, the true age of the stars has aroused concern about the "female star Zhuangnen" speech on the Internet and the media led to multiple reviews, and many stars a better image in the public mind playing some great discounts. Indeed, in beauty, such as river carp to eat mix of entertainment, actress who spend much beauty in addition to make the most beautiful glamorous make-up to keep them, but also on their age a closely guarded secret, otherwise , a cloven hoof, the popularity will sharply decline.
But, the age is not easily hidden, the skin and eyes will naturally be exposed to everything. Is over thirty, bags under the eyes, wrinkles, skin laxity in the face of such phenomena began to appear. Although cosmetic surgery nowadays developed, can play BOTOX, can go to lift, however, there is no way in the end technology to remove a woman's sense of the vicissitudes of life. Young eyes like a pools that twinkle, shining fresh light, after years of immersion after the woman, where there simply to speak of? TV on the six-year-old actress Liu Xiaoqing plays eighteen year-old girl, although his face can not see a wrinkle, but all show a clumsy gestures of the old state, so that the audience how to look how sick. Therefore, instead of clutching the age covered her, as bold and open.
I have come across a middle-aged woman, can be considered broad-minded, people ask the Christina, she was truly the report: "Eighteen or more, forty below", a moment that the woman really has a lovely respectable place. In fact, every ride a time of life, to accept the fact of aging, but people feel respected, but indeed not so easy, or why so many people interested in their beauty since ancient times? Only "Lian-shaped home, will be on the deep desert, Friends of the flying spirit, Hou Dan Stone, grain elite, so it is years old, the extension of China in mining," and the like, but are some Guwangyanzhi myth. From ancient times, humans may have had long live?...

