

You have had unpleasant experience? Whether it had depressed the grief? Have there been heart-breaking and weep? And whether it had a depressing bore? Do you understand how to be released? Clear about the release of the sure? Can a good relieved? Is it to appease their own good that tears the heart? -

You will do it quietly digest? Whether it will be quiet to handle it? Would it into their own learning and work come from? And whether it will release complete Xixiang care their loved ones in them? But it is innocent of them to share with you their displeasure and weep? -

When a friend's joke at the same time, or gently ringing in your ears when you are alone, heart-breaking, it will use the sky to light the flame of anger in your heart do? Will quarrel with the rapid to be depressed several times its own amplification, the deduction should not cost the roar and abuse each other? -

Above these, ever had in your such and such around the "Phantom" mean? Have you had a "positive" definition? Whether you had a time of "warm" hug it? Will you firmly in the storm brewed in the embarrassment of your line? And whether the end result is completely contrary to what your own expectations? -
Renault can clip
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